District Goals
East Quogue Union Free School District’s 2023-2024 Goals
Goal: Ensure a guaranteed and viable curriculum for all classes offered within the district.
Evidence of Success:
- Establish a district-wide English-Language Arts committee in order to enhance and align horizontally and vertically our ELA philosophy.
- Committee created in October
- American Reading Company (K-5) SpringBoard (6th)
- American Reading Company Accelerator (K-5) Interventions
- Grade specific entering and exiting criteria and/or overviews created for core subjects.
- Math Overviews Completed & On Website
- Grade level curriculum planning time.
- Kindergarten-Friday-8:15AM
- 1st Grade- Thursday-2:00PM
- 2nd Grade- Friday-8:15AM
- 3rd Grade- Friday-8:15AM
- 4th Grade- Friday-8:15AM
- 5th Grade- Thursday-8:15AM
- 6th Grade- Friday-8:15AM
- Completion of master schedule and rosters prior to the end of the school year. (ie) AIS & ENL
- Completed and shared June 2024
- Creation of a district-wide behavior matrix. (ie) behavioral consequences
- Committee created in January
- Code of Conduct Hearing (August 2024)
- Code of Conduct- Posted Under BOE Policies Upon Approval
- Plain Summary Language on Website
- Increased academic enrichment/support outside of the school day open to all students.
- Before/After School Academy Created- January 2024
- Social/Emotional Academy
- WildCAT Summer Camp
- Academic Summer Academy
- Enhanced RTI handbook with clear expectations and criteria district-wide.
- Handbook BOE Approved & On Website
- Installation of a cell-phone policy and parameters for all students.
- Included In Code of Conduct (Page 13)
- Addition of targeted clubs for students.
- WildCAT Club
- Consistent, relevant, and ongoing training prior to new initiatives.
- Atlas/Model Schools/SpringBoard/ARC/Co-Teaching
- Increase of core academic instruction time for students.
- Before and After School Academy
- Additional English Language Arts Minutes (120 Minutes 4 Days A Week)
- Develop and implement a mission and vision aligned with the New York State Computer Science and Digital Fluency Learning Standards.
- STEAM Curriculum/Ongoing
- Field trips provided for each grade level district wide. (At least one per grade)
- Kindergarten-2nd Grade- $2,000 Each
- 3rd-5th Grade- $7,250
- 6th Grade- $20,000 (Boston Field Trip)
- Utilizing external professional developers for instructional technology professional development.
- Model Schools- Promethean Board, Applications (Canvas, Blooket)
- Continue to offer supplemental academic instruction for eligible students in the summer while revising the EQ title 1 program.
- Title I program scheduled for 2024 summer.
Goal: Strengthen the relationships between and amongst students, parents, staff, and the community.
Evidence of Success:
- Coordinating outside organization events in advanced as not to interrupt the educational process.
- Building Use Form For All Events
- Celebrating cultures that represent our school community.
- Culture Fair & Morning Announcements
- Providing stakeholders grade level specific overviews at the beginning of the year.
- Math- Completed
- Curriculum Review Cycle-Ongoing
- Increase our social media presence. (ie) Intermediate students.
- Facebook, Instagram, and Website
- District-wide enhanced and improved report card.
- Committee Created- October
- K-2/3rd & 4th/5th & 6th
- Providing stakeholder feedback prior to district wide decisions being made. (ie) Board of Education meeting and/or faculty meeting.
- Presentations provided to the community were provided to the faculty/staff prior.
- Allowing spaces for all voices.
- Open Door policy & offered invitation to meet and discuss areas of enhancements with all stakeholders.
- Utilizing Google calendar for all field trips with times, location, staff, and students attending.
- Internal school calendar updated for all faculty/staff.
- Inclusion of faculty/staff in all meetings district-wide.
- Invitation for all faculty and staff at all faculty and school improvement meetings.
- Student work/assessments celebrated and sent home weekly/bi-weekly for parental view.
- All faculty and staff encouraged to send home all assignments.
Goal: Enhance the infrastructure and instructional needs of the district while enhancing the safety of all students
Evidence of Success:
- Increasing environmentally friendly avenues to eliminate waste and improve our community. (ie) Solar Panels
- Energy Performance Contract-School Architect
- Updated curtain in the cafetorium.
- Completed in November 2023
- Increasing student friendly meals in the cafeteria.
- CEP Program-Addition of Breakfast.
- Meeting with Whitson’s, increase student friendly meals.
- Roster for all clubs and activities before and after school with dates, times, and dismissal areas.
- Google Document Created
- Additional staff for substitute positions, such as teacher and custodian.
- OLAS Postings/Social Media
- Support staff aware of who is in the building at night.
- Night head custodian updated each time work was completed after 3:15PM.
- Increasing the storage areas inside/outside of the building.
- Empty and removed a container and purchased a container.
- Removal and replacing deteriorated equipment and supplies.
- Outdoor containers excessed, electronics, chairs, and piano.
- Increasing parking areas for current faculty/staff and community members.
- School Architect provided plans to The State Education Department. (11 Spaces)
- Exploring alternative areas of external maintenance and landscaping.
- Hiring of additional summer custodial to assist with external maintenance.
- Securing a chief medical officer for the school district.
- Contract Approved With Dr. Byrnes
- Creation of a committee to explore the feasibility of a sensory room.
- Sensory Walk (Hallway)
- Enhancing our camera system and addition of hand-held radios.
- Revamp entire system, 46 cameras and 3 license plate readers. 4 new radios ordered.
Goal: Identify operational efficiencies and additional revenue sources in order to stay within the state mandated levy.
Evidence of Success:
- Ensuring Request For Proposals are completed on a five-year rotating basis.
- Ongoing & Completed (Fiscal Advisor & External Auditor)
- Discuss the feasibility of fixed rate of tuition for students in 7th-12th grade.
- Ongoing
- Exploring and considering the feasibility of a repair reserve.
- Completed (March 2024)
- Educationally sound and financially prudent budgets within the state mandated levy.
- Fiscally Prudent & Not Exceeding Levy