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December School Happenings in Second Grade

Second grade is immersed in an ELA bug unit. We will soon have entomologists among us! In math, the second graders continue to practice subtraction within 100. Please continue to practice addition and subtraction facts at home. In Social studies, classes are learning about different types of communities. 


Click here to view the December School Happenings in Second Grade slideshow.

Date Added: 12/10/2024

November Happenings in Second Grade

As part of the American Reading Company program, second graders wrapped up their Unit 1 Literacy Launch and launched a new unit called “Bugs in Their Ecosystems.” The students wrote poetry and personal narratives and will now focus on research writing. The students are taking part in an in-house field trip, provided by BOCES, where they have hands-on experience with insects in their individual ecosystems (water and land). In math, second grade is finishing up double digit addition and will move on to subtraction strategies. A science unit began with understanding the different states of matter and students will continue to understand and classify properties. Chromebooks went home, and the district urges families to remind students that they are used for educational purposes and how to care for them. 

October School Happenings in Second Grade

Second grade has had a great start to the school year. Thank you to the PTA and special areas teachers for a fantastic Fall Frenzy. 

Second grade students have been immersed in great stories in our new ARC Core program. Students are learning about how authors teach lessons and morals within the story. In word work, students are learning to add suffixes and how they change the word's meaning. In Math, we are working on adding and subtracting using strategies. In social studies, we wrapped up Families Today and in the Past, and are now focusing on maps and map skills.